Majonzi (Swahili):
Grief or deep sorrow
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought sorrow and grief to families and communities around the world.

Black, Asian and Racialised Ethnic Communities Affected
disproportionately during COVID-19. Restrictions have meant that traditional funerals, mourning rituals and even last goodbyes have not been able to take place.

Majonzi fund was created to provide bereavement and grief support
to members of the Black and Racialised communities affected by loss during Covid-19. Fund recipients are provided with a monetary grant to use towards memorial events and tributes to commemorate the lives of those lost in a way that is meaningful to them, and through grieving and bereavement resources in partnership with BAMEstream.

“My family have weathered the impact of the pandemic with our own personal loss. My sister’s partner passed away as a result of the virus and we have been grieving his loss separately ever since.
When you lose a family member under these heart-breaking circumstances, you simply cannot put the pain into words. You realise the importance of the grieving process within your own families and communities. With the support of the public, I hope this fund can make a small difference to families and communities affected by COVID-19.”
Founder of The Majonzi Fund

"When Black people mourn, it is not only for the passing of loved ones. As a community, Black people will also be mourning the systemic inequalities, racial prejudices and oppressions we experience daily."
The stories and poems in this anthology illuminate the unique ways loss affects the Black community, and the effects of the widespread lack of understanding of traditional rituals and beliefs. They show us how experiences of collective loss during the pandemic, the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire and ongoing systemic health inequalities are experienced not just as individuals but also as part of a global community.
Contributors from a range of backgrounds, professions, and identities discuss the challenges of grieving under the shadow of continuing adversity, including threats of deportation. Sources of strength and healing are also explored, from personal and spiritual responses to community initiatives and activism.
Poignant and inspiring, these are stories we all need to read, and provide us with insights into lives and losses which are all too often misunderstood and sidelined.
deaths in the UK
Research shows that Black and Racialized Community groups mortality is
2 to 4 times higher, even after accounting for demographic, socio-economic and health-related factors.
Restricted Grieving
For many, COVID-19 restrictions meant that family, friends and loved ones were unable to gather for traditional funerals, mourning rituals, and for some, not even last goodbyes.
BAMEStream is an alliance of Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic practitioners, therapists, policy experts, activists and academics who aim to raise awareness and take action to address the urgent mental health and wellbeing needs of the UK’s Black, and Racialised communities.
BAMEStream offers customized, culturally-relevant bereavement services, events and support for individuals and communities.
Donate and fundraise by sharing information with your friends and family. Every £500 raised offers a new grant for those that need it most.
Spread the word about the Majonzi fund on social media to help raise awareness

Share your thoughts through articles, creative writing and poetry on our blog.
Artists, writers and filmmakers who have created work that commemorates those who died as a result of the pandemic can submit their pieces for display or auction.
Email us to get in touch: